membership type:
A、Membership qualification:General membership: For those who agree on the mission statements of TEMDRA, who is over 20 years of age, and who is qualified for the following:
(a)Acquires the National Counseling Psychologist license and has completed the TEMDRA training;
(b)After being qualified for general member, general member-to-be can apply for membership, and after the approval from the board, general membership is attained.
B、General member-to-be: For those who agree on the mission statements of TEMDRA and fulfills the following qualifications:
(a)Graduate from related fields and is qualified for the National Counseling Psychologist Exam and has completed the TEMDRA training;
(b)After being qualified for the member-to-be, student membership can apply and after the approval of the board, he/she attains membership-to-be.
C、Student membership: For those who agree on the mission statements of TEMDRA and has qualification as the following: non-graduates or graduates from related fields from college, not qualified for the National Counseling Psychologist Exam but is interested in EMDR work.
D、Sponsor membership: Groups or persons who agree on the mission statements of TEMDRA.
membership fee:
A、Entrance fee: Individual membership, NT$1000 (~US$33.33), group membership, NT$2000 (~US$66.67), they are paid at the time of membership granting approval.
B、Annual fee: General membership, NT$2000 (~US$66.67), general member-to-be, NT$1500 (~US$50), student and sponsor membership, NT$1000 (~US$33.33).
Download : TEMDRA application.doc ( 30KB)
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Contact Us :
Taiwan Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Association
Address: 3F., No.12, Lane 81, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)